Wednesday, April 14, 2021





Research in To Our Four Families From The 1100’s To The Year 2020 With Family Pictures And Stories


Bruce D Thomas

All the writing, information, research and people in this book has to do with the Families of Henderson, Thomas, Richards & Mayfield. There are also some McGaheys in there also. I couldn’t leave them out since a lot of my boyhood was spent in Pickens County at Uncle Sam’s house. All has been checked and rechecked. Some come from family members, census records and just good old lots of digging into research. Some of or most of the medieval times have been copied and put into the book. I really wish I could have put everything I have in this book, but then I would never be done. I wish I could put everyone that’s in the time period of the 1500's back to the 600’s. Just the names and pictures are unreal of who is who. I am planning on doing another book, but just from year 1300 to 200. Lots of information during that time period. It will probably be bigger than this book, just a lot of family history.. The language back in those times is a little out of my vocabulary. In medieval times, the spelling was a lot different then. I even went through and corrected a lot of the words because they were hard to read. But it turned out good I think, I mean you think about it, I went back in each family to the year or around the year BEFORE CHRIST. . What you are reading goes back though World War’s, Civil War, War of 1812, Revolutionary War, Powhatan War, Eighty Year War, Medieval War, Norman Conquest and on back to when the Anglo-Saxon were fighting Vikings. We had family members that fought in each one.

One source is true with this research, each family has Scottish Blood in them. Richards more English. But all 4 families go back to the Anglo-Saxon.

I wanted to put this in a book, but after I got back from Office Depot and it was going to be 14,000 pages to do, yep I had to go different. Plus what the hell it was going to cost. I don’t think I would have sold 1 copy of the book (haha). Then I went to make an eBook, but after putting it on docs and word I found out it had to be down to 300 or 400 pages. In order to do this I had to make 13 different books. I will make one book, I just want it in a book form. Its going to depend on really how much it would cost to print and copy a book. I am making one book that I'm going to make a copy of and put it in a book to have. But if someone does want a copy of it, I will take and have a copy for you made if you pay for it. Plus I wasn’t doing it to sell anyway, it was to be enjoyed by family members. I still have a lot of unanswered questions???? We will see how things go.

Right now there are 10,169 ancestors in our tree. I have 42,871 ancestors I have not even put in the tree yet. That's not including 2997 still to be put in the Thomas family, 1089 into Henderson family, 1317 in Richards family and 90 in the Mayfield family. As you will read that we were related to a lot of important people. 

It will show in what countries our ancestors came from. There are 2 main countries they came from. 30 different places from the United Kingdom and 9 different places in Europe. We had 13 ancestors from Northern Ireland, 6 from Ireland. 8 ancestors from Scotland, 3 from the United Kingdom. 4 ancestors from the Netherlands, 5 from Germany. 13 were immigrants to South Carolina and Virginia, after that the number of ancestors increased coming over to the American. In 1600 we had 2 ancestors living in the United States. In 1700 we had 16 ancestors in the United States. 1800 there were 100 of our ancestors living in the United States. In 1895 146 more ancestors came over. 

I NEVER hope I have to EVER EVER write the NAME: WILLIAM again in my life. I bet I have written that name a million times in this book. It was and has to be the most popular name in history. When I did the Thomas Family I thought how many Allen Boyd Thomas’s are in this family. (17) Then I got to Henderson's, and thought `` dang how many Roberts can it be in this family. Seems like a Robert everywhere. It was (62) of them. It’s pretty cool that it started with a Robert in the 1200’s and there is a Robert today that I’m proud to know and talk to at times. 

This has been an experience through the last 6 years researching and writing this book. When I was laid up for a year and learning to walk all over again, I figured I needed to find something to do. I had worked on it off & on the first 4 years and the last 2 years it’s been full time of research and writing. I have founded out that it does not end. You can never end the Family Tree. I can go on one of my trees right now and still find another 25 to 50 more family members. It will continue for years to come. I only have 3 family trees that I was doing research out of and putting all research in one tree. The main tree has 8,897 family members. One has 4,387 and the other 3,994. I have over 67,000 census records I have read. Documents in an iPhone, IPad & computer. I haven’t counted but 5 piles of papers just stacked up. 1,246 pictures I’ve taken and then downloaded onto my computer. I have type 1,876,309 words in this book. Talked to a lot of people and family members that I didn’t know before this. The book ended with 2,260 pages. All this is just right this minute with me writing this. Yes I’m PROUD of what I have done. 

This research does not have all 9,000 family members in it. That’s where the 14,000 pages come in. I’m not really sure how many are in here, but the rest or the whole family are on my family trees. If you would like to look at the FAMILY TREE you will need to get with me so i can do a PERMISSION on being able to get on the site.

Of all findings in my research, I had found 2 Knights Templars in our Family. That was a very BIG fine for me. I had studied a lot about Knights Templars and their history. That’s something that anyone should be proud of having in their family tree. There are NOT many families that can say this. If you don’t know anything or what Knights Templars are about, it’s worth researching to read.

You might find that some people in here have a lot of info on them. I find that if you are going to research your family and see where they go back to, that you should know their history and where they  came from. Most likely you will be reading and see a name and go, no way, I’m kin to him or her. Yes I said that a lot of times. I guess my favorites out of the whole research was “Robert the Bruce”. The Knights Templars and Desmond Doss.

Another thing I had found out in my research (just Thomas Family) that I was kin to about everyone in Moundville, Alabama. I had no idea, and was never told any of this. Abernathy, Hall, Howell, Crawford, Davis, Chandler, Hoggle, Ryan, Kelley. The thing is, that I had to go back to the 1700’s to find this out. I know, you're asking how did the 1700’s tell you that you are kin to Clifton Abernathy and he was your 7th cousin. Yep sure is. Small world!!!

I hope everyone enjoys the blog. I will be adding history to it off and on. Now all you have to do is do your side of your husband or wife to finish it. I haven’t done Daphne’s side yet, but I’m going on break from writing for a while. It’s deer season coming on and there’s a deer stand in my family tree.

If anyone has any storyline or pictures they would like to share, please send them to me. Family photos with names would be great. It just don’t have to do with history, it also has to do with today.



Family Members & Dates of When They Came to America and How They Got To Where they Homestead



                Roots and Surnames

                Stories Behind the People


Medieval Times


                Roots and Surnames

                Stories Behind the People


Medieval Times


                 Roots and Surnames

                 Stories Behind the People


Medieval Times


                Roots and Surnames

                Stories Behind the People


Medieval Times

 Civil War 1861-1865

Civil War Veterans I

Civil War Veterans II

Civil War Veterans III

 Military Veteran History

Revolutionary War

 Indian Bloodline's Pocahontas & Powhatan and the Patawomeck Tribe


 Movies, TV and Books on Descendants

 Unusual Family Deaths

Imprisoning Medieval Women of The Family

 Knights Templars

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