CIVIL WAR 1861-1865
I really enjoyed researching this part of the family history. I had found 282 (and probably missed a few) family members that fought in the Civil War. I believe I could have written another book just on this research. After the research, I never knew that growing up in Moundville, Alabama that there was a Civil War Camp there. There is not a lot of history on it in the books.
Moundville Civil War
The Alabama Great Southern railroad runs through the west side of town. Originally, Moundville was called Carthage and was located just north of the present town. Carthage was established as a town in 1823 by the Alabama legislature and held their first election of town president and council in 1824. Carthage has been known for some time as Moundville. In late 1864 and early 1865, a camp for dismounted troopers of Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Ferguson's Brigade existed at Carthage. (Moundville) It is my understanding that a substantial number of men from this dismounted camp (perhaps 200) were part of the scratch command employed by General Forrest to fight Wilson's advance on the road between Montevallo and Selma.
I have put this story of the Civil War in here because it had to do with family members from Perry & Hale County. It took place in Greensboro, Alabama.
Hale County Civil War Story
On the morning of August 31st, 1865, three Federal
soldiers from this camp were seen strolling leisurely up
the Main street of Greensboro. When they came to the
general merchandise store of Robert B. Waller, Jr., —
located two doors west of the present Masonic Hall
building — they entered, and called for some fruit, which
was passed over to them. They stood around chatting
with each other and eating the fruit, and when they
were about to leave the store, Mr. Waller asked for the
price of their purchase, which they refused to pay, and
with an oath left the store and continued on up the
street. The merchant felt outraged over the treatment,
and upon going to the door he saw the Captain of the
Company to which the men belonged standing in front
of the Tunstall building, and he immediately went to
him and reported the conduct of his men. The Captain
asked Waller to point the offenders out to him, which
he did. He called them to him, and demanded, in a most
positive manner, that they pay for the goods at once;
and he further informed them that if he ever heard of
their being guilty of like conduct he would have them
tied up by their thumbs.
The soldiers paid the money rather reluctantly, looked
very sullen, but said nothing. Dismissing the matter
from his mind, Mr. Waller returned to his store and
began to wait on customers who had come in during his
Sitting in front of the store, enjoying the bright sun-
shine, was Robert Jeffries, and in his lap was seated
W. S. (Tood) Cowin, a young man who had seen much
service in the Confederate army. Tood" Cowin was sitting near the large door to the left when struck by Federal soldier.
After consulting together
up the street the three soldiers, who had been made to pay the debt they owed Waller, came back to
the store, and without a word of warning one of the men,
Jos. Adams, of Co. H, 11th Missouri Infantry, struck
Cowin a most vicious blow in the face with a slung shot
— mistaking him (it is supposed) for the merchant who
had reported the men to the Captain. Writhing with
pain from the sudden and unexpected blow, and with
the gleam of a tiger in his eyes, Cowin sprang from his
seat, drew his pistol and fired on his assailant, but miss-
ed him. Adams retreated hastily across the street towards
Stollenwerck's drug store, and as he retreated he looked back to watch Cowin. When he had nearly
reached the opposite sidewalk, Cowin steadied his pistol
by laying it across his left arm, took deliberate aim and
remarked, "Now d n you, I'll get you," pulled the
trigger and sent a ball crashing through the brain of
Adams, who fell dead in his tracks.
When Cowin fired the first shot and missed his man,,
another of the Federal soldiers, S. Bryant of Co. D, 11th
Missouri Regiment, who was standing near, quickly pull-
ed his pistol and was in the act of shooting him at close
range, when Tom Cowin, a brother of "Tood" shot
Bryant down before he could get his pistol in position.
The ball entered his side, and he fell in the gutter. The
wound, while quite severe, did not prove fatal.
The pistol shots soon attracted a large crowd to the
street, and in a short while the soldiers began to pour
into the town from the camp, which was located in the
rear of the residence of Col. George Erwin. They raged
and swore and were beside themselves with anger when
they learned what had transpired, and demanded, in their
frenzy, shown the man who had killed their comrade.
Cowin saw the storm gathering and walked off down
the street, but before he had gone a great many steps-
he was recognized by some Federals who had witnessed
the difficulty, and a number of the soldiers made for him,
but Cowin faced them and kept them at bay by present-
ing the ugly looking weapon with which he had killed
the man who was lying in the street a short distance
away. When he had walked sidewise to Powers' store,
keeping the men back with the presented pistol, he noticed
a horse hitched in front of the store — a magnificent
animal that had been ridden into town that morning by
some one from Gen. Cocke's plantation, to whom the
horse belonged. She was a thoroughbred racer, and
many times had come down the home-stretch a winner
on the race-track. Now fully realizing his great danger,
Cowin sprang from the sidewalk, cut the bridle reins, leaped into the saddle and clapped his heels into
the sides of the splendid charger. With a snort of fright
at the unexpected treatment, she reared and then bounded
away as if on the wings of the wind, while the air re-
sounded with the angry shouts of the soldiers calling
to those past whom the horse and rider were sweeping,
to "stop him! Stop him!"
Seeing that the man they most desired to capture was
about to elude their grasp, half a dozen or more soldiers
quickly secured horses and started in pursuit at break-
neck speed. On and on sped the thoroughbred racer.
She was in her element, and seemed to enjoy the wild
dash down the public highway. And wildly and furiously
also rode the pursuers. But only once or twice did they catch even a glimpse of horse and rider as they
sped down some long, straight stretch of road, and then
the crack of their pistols rang out on the air — but only
with the effect of causing the noble racer to quicken her
pace just a little. When about six miles out of town —
to the westward — Cowin checked his horse and looked
around to see if he could catch a glimpse of his pursuers,
but no trace of them could be discovered. He then left
the main road, and went into a thicket on a hill overlook-
ing the surrounding country. From this position, a short
while afterwards, he saw his pursuers, with horses under
whip and spur, pass on down the road, and also saw them
when on their return from their fruitless effort to capture
or kill him. The next day, Cowin was in Mississippi.
Pandemonium reigned on the streets of Greensboro.
Tom Cowin, who had wounded the soldier who had undertaken
to shoot his brother, passed rapidly through Waller’s
store — the doors being shut behind him by some
one within — went into the back yard and came out to
Main street near Powers' store. He was recognized by
the Federals, and was immediately taken in charge by
an angry mob, who swore they would hang him at once.
A proposition was submitted that if they would wait un-
til sundown, an effort would be made to have his brother
"Tood" come in and give himself up, which proposition
was agreed to; but the half dozen soldiers who had re-
turned from the pursuit had but little hope that he
would ever be overtaken, for they reported that they
had ridden hard and furiously after him, but to no
avail — that all traces of him were lost.
Then Captain Kelley stepped to where the dead soldier
was lying in the street, placed his sword across the
body, and with a terrible oath swore that if the man
who had slain his comrade was not delivered up to the
soldiers by the going down of the sun, then, by all the
gods, he purposed to hang Tom Cowin, and burn and
sack the town.
Squads of soldiers were deputized to go to every house
in Greensboro and take therefrom all weapons, and to
disarm all the citizens. Realizing the extreme gravity
of the situation, and that the town was entirely at the
mercy of the frenzied Federals, some of the citizens
slipped a runner out of town on a fleet horse to Marion,
Ala., where the colonel of the regiment (Lieut.- Col.
Green), was stationed at that time.
While awaiting the delivery of "Tood" Cowin to them
by the citizens, the soldiers broke open Waller's store,
where the difficulty began, and threw all the goods into
the street. As the hours passed by the soldiers drank
more freely of whiskey, grew more turbulent, and it
seemed to those who had sent the messenger to Marion
that he would never return. Minutes seemed hours.
The sun began to sink in the west, and still the man
the soldiers so much desired to get into their possession
did not appear. They placed a rope around Tom Cowin’s
neck led him in front of the hotel — which his father kept — threw one end over a sign board, and stood
facing the west, watching for the going down of the sun.
Cowin's father stood by and urged him to die like a man,
and he replied that he proposed to do so. Not a tremor
passed over him, and not a trace of fear could be discerned
in his face as he looked defiance at those who had
him at their mercy.
When hope had gone, and the citizens thought the
very worst would happen, the sound of horses' feet was
heard, and looking eastward, they saw approaching at
breakneck speed, two horses with distended nostrils and
flecked with foam, drawing a buggy in which were two
men — one of them proving to be the Colonel of the Regiment
Hastily alighting from the vehicle, he pushed his
way into the midst of the vast crowd of angry, turbulent
soldiers, and went to where Cowin was standing with the
rope around his neck. With fire in his eye, and anger
in his tone, he demanded of the Captain what he meant
by allowing those under his command to be guilty of
such conduct. The Captain related the circumstances of
the killing of one soldier and the wounding of another
by the Co wins, and said he thought he was justifiable.
The Colonel replied that it was contrary to military law
to hang a man without giving him the benefit of a court-
martial, and that he might consider himself under arrest.
Turning to the troops, he ordered them to fall into
ranks. Some of them began to murmur disapproval.
The Colonel stepped into the street, drew his pistol, and
again commanded them in a loud voice to "fall in," and
swore that the first man who refused to obey the coma did
would be shot dead in his tracks. This seemed
to restore their reason; they fell into ranks and were
marched back to camp.
The rope was removed from Tom Cowin's neck and
he was also taken to the camp, where he was held as a
prisoner. Frank Peterson (Dr. Francis M. Peterson,
former President of the Girls' Industrial School at Montevallo,
who died March 21, 1908) went out to the camp and was permitted to spend the night with his friend.
The next day, Cowin was taken to Tuscaloosa under
heavy guard, and placed in prison, to await trial for
shooting the federal soldier (from which he subsequently
There is a bit of romance connected with his escape
from prison, which shows the devotion of the Southern
woman to the Confederate soldier, A beautiful young
lady, who was a staunch friend of Cowin's, set herself
to work to liberate him.
She was very pretty and most charming and fascinating
in her manners. The young lieutenant, who was in charge of the prisoners, fell in love with this
sweet Southern girl, and as the two strolled about the
streets of classic old Tuscaloosa, or watched the placid
flow of the river hard by the city, she would plead with
him earnestly to allow Cowin, the friend of her child-
hood, to escape from prison. For days and days, and
time and again the young officer refused to grant the
petition — stating that his honor and his position would
not permit him to do so. Finally the young lady told
him that she would never consent to marry him until
her friend was a free man, and reinforced the statement
by telling the officer never to see her again. A short
time after this, Cowin was missing from prison. How
he escaped or whither he went, no one knew.
It would be a pleasing close to this bit of romance
to be able to state that the young lady married the young
officer — or at least that she married her friend for whom
she pleaded — but the truth of history requires it to be
said that she did neither, but in the after years married
another man.
Neither of the Cowins was ever captured by the Federal
officers. As the years passed on, and affairs quieted
down, both of them returned to Greensboro, and re-
sided here for quite a while — "Tood" Cowin died in the
town a few years after the killing of the soldier; and
Tom Cowin, after keeping the Greensboro Hotel for some
time, went to Birmingham, where he kept a hotel. From
there he went to Anniston, where he died June 27, 1890.
Both the men were Confederate soldiers, and were brave
and courageous at all times. They are buried in the
Greensboro cemetery.
It was never known certainly what influence was used
to secure the safety of the Cowins after they had shot
the soldiers, as related above, but it developed, in the
course of time, that their father, who was quite well-to-
do at the time of the trouble, had parted with nearly all
his worldly possessions — and it was whispered about that
he had let somebody have in the neighborhood of twenty
thousand dollars — possibly in the nature of a loan.
As the last words of this bit of tragic history are pen-
ned, we pause for a few moments and look out upon the
streets where, nearly half century ago, men were crazed, and, in their fearful passion, raged and surged
like the mighty waves when the wind is at war with
the ocean. But a far different scene from that presents
itself to view. True, there stands the self-same building
in which the awful tragedy begun ; and there, too, stands
the self-same hotel before which the angry soldiers stood
with halter around the neck of their intended victim,
watching for the going down of the sun; the same blue
sky bends above, and the same sun they watched has
continued to make his rounds through all the many days
that have gone to swell the mighty volume of the past
since that far-off time.
But no discordant note is heard — no soldiers' tread, no
clang of arms nor shrill note of bugle call. Only a scene
of beauty and quiet activity greets the gaze. The trees
are just awakening from their long winter's sleep and
are putting on their garb of green ; the birds make merry
in the boughs, heedless of the ebb and flow of the human
tide beneath ; men go about their business, or stand here
and there in groups and chat pleasantly together ; bevies
of beautiful girls, with smiling faces and queenly step,
pass up and down the streets where once tumult and
riot reigned supreme; while childhood's merry peals of
laughter come in at the open window.
And then it is that we fully realize that a new generation
has appeared upon the stage of action — a generation
that is the successor to the noblest and truest of which
the South can boast in all its glorious history — one whose
deeds of valor and patriotism will live in song and story
for ages yet unborn. And with the ushering in of the
present generation, sectional strife and bitterness have
passed away. It is a generation (while doubting the
wisdom of the course pursued by the authorities at Washington
in their treatment of the Southern people during those half dozen dark and gloomy years immediately succeeding
the close of the war) who rejoice in a re-
united country, and would seal its devotion to the Stars
and Stripes by defending the honor of the Flag on the
battlefield ; yet, it is a generation that looks with pride
and approval upon the conduct of their forefathers in
their noble defense of the Stars and Bars, and a generation
that will ever treasure that conduct as the richest heritage to which it has fallen heir.
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