Wednesday, April 14, 2021



This little chapter is about unusual thing that happen to ancestors. When I was reading about them in my research I would write this down. 



**Countess Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan 1315-1355

Died fell off her horse.

**Sir John Graham, 9th Earl of Menteith 1300-1347

Was hanged for being a traitor by King Edward III, then quartered.

**Princess Marjory Bruce 1296-1316

Fell from her horse while pregnant, had an emergency c-section and died.

**Sir Archibald Mure of Rowallan 1241-1296

Died in the Siege of Berwick Battle

**Sir Gilchrist Mure Of Rowallan 1206-1280

UhKilled at Siege of Berwick Battle

**Maude ‘Matilda’ Munso 25th MGGM Northumbria, “2nd Countess of Huntingdon” England

**Waltheof II Siwardson 1050-1076 England, In 1075 He was sentenced to prison for conspiracy. At the time of his execution he was beheaded. He asked if he could say the lord's prayer. He was to the words ``Lead us not into temptation” the headsman sword came down, one blow and his head rolled down. The people declared they heard “ but deliver us from evil, amen” while the head rolled off his shoulders.

***Robert the Bruce in 1306 stabbed Earl John Comyn while in the Church of GreyFriars in Dumfries. They were negotiating an alliance and got into a quarrel.

***Isabella of Angouleme, Queen of England & King I “Lackland” Plantagenet were married. Both had very strong tempers. King John suspected Isabella of having an affair. He had her suspected lover hanged and then dangled his head above her bed.

***Olafs II was killed by someone putting poison in his food in 0975.

***Burisheif (Boleslav) Of Russia in the year 786 was a blacksmith for the Russian King.

***Drogues Freeman de Fauconberg 1055-1086, Participated in the Norman Invasion of England.

***Biography:The Sparks name was originally Sparrowhawk. The story goes that when people began taking surnames from their occupations, there was a man who was the chief falconer for the King of England-Richard the Loin-Hearted. Richard's favorite falcon was the Sparrowhawk. The Swifted & Most True. This man's name became Sparrowhawk. As time passed, some of his descendants shortened it to Sparks. The Spark family motto on there crest and Coat of Arms is “Celer et Verus” Swift & True

***Terrell B Brown shot in a store robbery. His body has never been found.

***Ship-”The Good Intent”--30 September 1734, Dublin, Ireland to American, Janet Pitcairn, 1670-1734, Buried at Sea

***David Walker 1741 Full Blooded Cherokee Indian

***Arthur W Maddox Full Blooded Cherokee Indian

***Lydian M Redus Full Blooded Cherokee 

***Lady Baroness Euphemis Drummond 1467-1502 Emphasis was poisoned along with her sisters Sybilla & Margaret to open the way for Margaret's lover King James IV to marry Margaret Tudor of England

***Sir Robert Crawford1462-1513 was Alexander Hamilton 7th GGF

Mayfield-Ship EAGLE sank coming to Dublin to Holyhead. Captain Rogers, General Stanwick, his wife,Stanwick daughter, 4 servants were lost. They knew the ship leaked bad but got in a storm. 29 October 1766 General Stanwick was in Ireland reviewing the troops and was returning to British Parliament. 

***George Mayfield was a Scout for Andrew Jackson. George also lived with the Creek Indian for 2 ½ years. 

***Henry Pennington 1835-1860 Stabbed to Death in Pickens County, Alabama in 1860

***Starrett Dobson 1790-1840 Died of an Accidental Gunshot to the Head in Pickens County, Alabama 

***Jesse Mayfield wife Penelope Brummette was French Huguenot

***Gruffydd ap Llewelyn -1244 Was a Welsh Prince. Gruffydd was being held as a hostage in the Tower of London when he tried to escape by lowering himself down a rope. The rope broke and he fell 90 feet to his death.

***Henry II -1197 The leader was watching his troops gather from his palace in Acre when he was leaning on the railing of a window and looking down. The railing gave way and he fell to the ground. His dwarf fell out too and landed on top of him killing him.

***George Plantagenet-1478 The brother of King Edward IV and was founded guilty of treason and ordered to be executed. He asks to be drowned in a large vat of Malmsey Wine, his favorite.

***King Edward II Of England After being deposed and imprisoned by his wife Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer, Edward II was stained by having a red hot iron inserted into his anus.

***Henry I of England His Lampreys Eel, his favorite dish was poisoned. He died at the table.

***Thomas Becket in 1170 was elected Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry II of England from 1162 until his death. After many disagreements with King Henry over the King’s tyrannical law reforms, Beckett found his life was in danger. The bloody and horrific climax to the feud occurred in December 1170, when four knights arrived at Canterbury Cathedral and ordered Beckett to surrender. When he wouldn’t surrender, one of the knights smashed the pommel of his sword onto Beckett’s head, which sent the poor man to his knees. Beckett then began to pray while the fatal blow was delivered. Another knight leaped forward and delivered a blow that sliced the top of Beckett’s head off just above the eyes.

The blow had so much power behind it that the sword shattered against the floor in pieces. A third knight then shoved his sword into Beckett’s head and scooped out the dead man’s brains, before smearing them on the floor and stating simply: “This fellow won’t be getting up again.”

***Sir John Brome 1415-1468 of England. He was shot and murdered walking out of White Friars Church by John Herthill, a steward of the Earl of Warwick in a quarrel over a mortgage which Brome held against Herthill.

***This was cousins and was a big deal in Eastman, Georgia back in the 1900's. On June 26, 1907 W J Nicholson's son Harris Nicholas was shot to death by his twin brother Harry. Next Dr S P Smith killed W J Nicholson 1867-1907 (2nd cousin) July 4, 1907 in Eastman, GA.

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Visiting my Ancestors Place in South Carolina 4th GGF Thomas Richards 1755-1841

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