Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 100-Jason N Thigpen 1819-1886 Private to Corporal 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry

101-Zebulon Butler Gatlin1832-1893 Company H (Dixie Guards) 39th Regiment Mississippi

102-Ebenezer Gatlin Captain Summit Rifles Company A 16th Mississippi Infantry. Wounded and captured at Bloody Angle, Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia May 12, 1864. Died from wounds in Franklin County, MS June 25, 1864. His name is on the Confederate Monument in Library, MS. 

103-Thomas Gatlin Private Summit Rifles Company A 16th Mississippi Infantry. Killed in Action

104-William Gatlin Private Stockade's Cavalry Company I 4th Mississippi Cavalry. One of 6 men killed in the field at Harrisburg (Now Tupelo, MS) June 14, 1864

105-Zebulon Gatlin Sergeant Dixie Guards Company H 39th Mississippi Regiment. Battle of Corinth & Siege of Port Hudson. POW

106-John Gatlin 2nd Lieutenant Dixie Guards Company H 39th Mississippi Infantry. POW captured sent to New York and to Sandusky, Ohio March 1865 then transfer to Point Lookout, Maryland and then released June 12, 1865

107-Nathaniel Gatlin Sergeant Dixie Guards Company H 39th Mississippi Regiment. Captured at Port Hudson POW

108-Phared Martin 1817-1868 Company H 61st Regiment Alabama Infantry. POW at Point Lookout, Maryland 4-4-1865

109-Edward Emerson Arrington 1826-1885 8th Regiment Alabama Cavalry

110-Wyatt Harper 1799-1864 Capt Camp of Instruction, Talladega, AL

111-John Squires 1835-1915 Texas

112-Marshall Martin 1823-1889 Private Company D 63rd Regiment Alabama Infantry, Captured 4-9-1865, POW Camp Ship Island, MS 5-1-1865 then sent to Vicksburg, MS

113-John C Thames 1834-1910 Corp. Company E 41st Alabama Infantry

114-James F McLelland 1842-1914 Sergeant Company H 2nd Mississippi Cavalry//Private  Company J 1st Mississippi Infantry (Patton's)

115-Lewis K Latham 1833-1886 Private Company F 3rd Regiment Alabama Reserves

116-Daniel A Christenberry 1821-1876 Private Company H 40th Regiment Alabama Infantry

117-Patrick Holston 1820-1881 Private Company H 36th Regiment Alabama Infantry

118-John Hix 1837-1910 Private Company I 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry

119-Andrew Jackson Crawford 1817-1878 Private Company A  34th Regiment Arkansas 

120-George Livingston 1827-1917 Private Company I 4th Regiment Alabama Volunteer Militia

121-Joseph M Fitzgerald 1830-1912 Pvt Company H  5th Regiment Texas Infantry. Fought in Gettysburg, Appomattox & Chickamauga

122-Frances M Coker 1830-1903 Alabama

123-Patrick Holston 1820-1891 Private Company H, 36th Regiment Alabama Infantry, Fought in Chickamauga, Spanish Fort & Chattanooga

124-John Hix Harry 1838-1910 Private Enlisted Sept 1861 Company I & H 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry

125-Bryant Benjamin Brand 1811-1893 Private Company E 3rd Alabama Reserve

126-Joseph M Walton 1814-1888 

127-Charles Calhoun Johnson1844-1922 Private Company A 8th Alabama Infantry Oct 1863. Captured near Appomattox 2 days before Lee surrendered. Prisoner at Pivot Lookout Mountain

128-John Wesley McMurrain 1822-1883 Corporal 62nd Regiment Partisan Rangers Georgia Cavalry Company C

129- Wilkins W Sims 1847-1923 Private Company K 62nd Alabama Infantry

130- William Washington Sims 1809-1892  Company G 2nd Alabama Infantry

131-  William W Cornwell 1831-1887 Company G 20th Texas Cavalry

132-Levi Middleton Taylor 1839-1893 Tuscaloosa Guard, Captain Freeman's Prison Guards, Garrison House Salisbury, NC

133- William Martin Stewart 1841-1903 Private Company K 62nd Alabama Infantry

134-Platt Croom Stout 1830-1864 Private Company G, 21st Alabama Infantry. Echols Company, Alabama Conscripts. Swanson Guard

135-Elias Trammell 1807-1880 Corporal Company F 16th Cavalry Regiment Texas.

136-John Simpson Hall 1813-1Private Company A, 28th Regiment, Alabama Infantry. Died in the line of duty in the Civil War in the Battle of Atlanta.

137-John Franklin Hall 1847-1924 Private Company D, 2nd Battalion Alabama Light Artillery.

138-Jobe Irvin Cannon 1846-Corporal Company D 62nd Alabama Infantry, S.C.V. Camp 764 Marion, Alabama

139-John Alexander Hopkins Private Company F&B, 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Fought in Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Chattanooga. Was captured in the Battle of Vicksburg July 4, 1863.

140-Marcus DeLafayette Moore 1842-1926 Corporal Company G, 4th Alabama Regiment Laws Brigade, Longstreet's Corps. Enlisted April 1861and stayed the whole Course. He fought with Robert E Lee at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.

141-William Wesley Moreland 1841-1929 Private 21st Alabama Infantry Regiment. Fought in Corinth.

142-John Washington Mackey 1816-1880 30 August 1862 New York. A damn Yankee. 36th Regiment New York Infantry, Private

143-Hardy G Griffin 1811-1870 Private Company A 4th Battalion Alabama Cavalry. Command by Captain A P Love and later became Company H of Jeff David Legion.

145-Minor M Crews 1844-1909 Private F 20th Alabama Infantry Fought in Port Gibson, Champion Hill & Chattanooga. Was captured July 4, 1863 at Vicksburg.

146-Nathaniel Gideon Stephens 1818-1879

147-John Webster Madison 1827-1885 Sergeant Company A 28th Alabama Infantry

148-Willian Jackson McDonald Private Company F Indiana Infantry

149-John Tabb Walton 1811-1892 Private Company K 31st Alabama Infantry

150-Jasper Calvin Kelly 1845-1934 16 Aug 1862 Private Company C 15th South Carolina Infantry

151-Noah Hallman 1812-1845 Private Company F Palmetto Sharpshooters Regiment, South Carolina, (Jenkins) (1st Palmetto) Fought at Williamsburg, Fredericksburg, Chickamauga, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Petersburg Trenches, Appomattox and Cold Harbor

152-Jesse Lawrence 1837-1908 Corporal Company A 1st Regiment Alabama Cavalry. Fought in Corinth, MS battle in September 16 1863

153-John A Hopkins 1833-1897 Private Company F & B, 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry

154-Richard Lambeth Hopkins 1845-1924 Private Company F 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Enlisted Aug 1863. Captured in Nashville, TN 16 Dec 1864. Sent to Federal Prison at Camp Chase.

155-Andrew M Russell 1826-1863 Private Company A 28th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Killed December 12, 1863 at Cassville, Georgia.

156-John Robert Frazier 1811-1912 

157-Berry B Yeager 1819-1862 Private Company A 5th Regiment Mississippi Infantry. KIA on 17 December 1862 at the Battle of Vicksburg. Buried at Confederate Cemetery in Vicksburg

158-Lewis W Yeager Private Company E 16th Texas Cavalry

159-Henry B Grace Captain Company G 6th Regiment Florida Infantry. Fought in many battles from Chickamauga to Atlanta

160-John A Singley Private to Sergeant Company E 41st Regiment Alabama Infantry. Fought at Murfreesboro, Vicksburg, Drewry's Bluff, Sayler's Creek and Appomattox

161-Archibald Bruce McEachin Sr 1837-1909 First Lieutenant to Captain. 6th Alabama Cavalry then transferred to Quartermaster Dept. Savannah, Georgia until the end of the war.

162-William M Russell 1832-1864 Private Company A 28th Regiment Alabama Infantry. KIA. No one knows where. He signed out clothes and marched off with others on May 31, 1864. Never heard of again.

163-Pleasant F Crenshaw 1838-1904 Private Company E 32nd Regiment Alabama Infantry

164-Hugh Washington Civil War Mississippi 

165-James R Wilson as Private, Rank out as First Lieutenant. Company B 5th Battalion, Alabama Infantry. Active with the Seven Days’ Battles. Chancellorsville. Fought at Gettysburg 

165-Charles C Wilson Private Company D 21st Regiment Tennessee Infantry. Battle of Belmont.

166-Whitman M Earnhardt 1831-1907 Enlisted as Private. Rank out at Sergeant. Company A 11th Regiment North Carolina Infantry. Fought at Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Appomattox. Lost 617 men at Gettysburg. 

167-Charles N Smyly 1837-1901 Private Company D Lewis’ Battalion Alabama Cavalry

168-Samuel W Gordon YANKEE Private Company H 26th Regiment New Jersey Infantry

169-James W Hamilton 1823-1864 Private Company I 5th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Battle of First Manassas. Fought at Williamsburg to Cold Harbor. Fought down the Shenandoah Valley and the Appomattox. Fought at Seven Pines and Chancellorsville. Fought at Gettysburg with 317 men. 60% of them were disabled. Was shot and captured on 5/5/1864 at the Battle of Wilderness. Was put on board the Medical Transport Ship “Northern Lights”. Died on board and was buried at sea. He has a Gravestone at Cedar Hill Cemetery.

170-John Downy Private Company H 40th Regiment Alabama Infantry

171-John Frazier YANKEE Private Company 79th Regiment Ohio Infantry

172-William R Bamberg 1837-1870 Private Company K 50th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Fought at Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Battle of Atlanta and Franklin.

173-John Singley 1839-1898 Private Company C 16th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Fought at Fishing Creek, Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Battle of Atlanta, Chickamauga, Jonesboro, Franklin and Nashville

174-George Duncan 1825-1902 Private Company C 30th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Captured at Vicksburg in 1863.

175-Thomas Blackburn Enlisted in as Private. Rank out as Sergeant. Company A 2nd Regiment Alabama Cavalry. Operating in Florida and then moved up into Mississippi. Fought at the Battle of Atlanta. The defense of Savannah. The rest of the war it was President Davis’ escort as he moved south during the last part of the war.

176-Samuel Tubb 1825-1880 Private Company F 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry, fought in Vicksburg, Port Gibson, Champions Hill, Chattanooga and Nashville

177-Charles W Sims 1845-1865 2nd Lieutenant Company H, 62nd Alabama Infantry, Died from wounds received at Spanish Fort depending Mobile.

178-Rev Wilson Bradley Deaver 1812-1865 Private Holloway Cavalry, Alabama Cavalry was an Escort/Bodyguard Company for Confederate Generals, know as Crochet 

179-John Wilson Huie 1834-1915 Corporal to Private, Company B 12th Regiment, Alabama Infantry

180-John H Ward 1816-1898 Private Company H 44th Regiment, Alabama Infantry, Foust at Gettysburg, Wilderness, Appomattox, Chickamauga, Cold Harbor and Second Manassas

181-Andrew J Breazeal 1838-1862 Killed Action in Fort Pillow, Lauderdale, Tennessee 

182-Matthew Emeziah Pittman 1834-1864 KIA in Vicksburg. 1st Sergeant Company G 33rd Regiment Mississippi Infantry

183-William Andrew Mayfield 1813-1916 Rank in-Private, Rank out- Captain Company K, 2nd Regiment Louisiana Infantry, fought at Appomattox, Cold Harbor, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, Second Manassas, Malvern Hill and Sharpsburg. He was in the battle of Chancellorsville and was shot in the hip and leg. He laid in the battlefield for several days before being found by a Frenchman named Francis Loret was credited for saving his life. To repay Francis Loret, William named his son after him. Francis Loret Mayfield.

184-Isaac Paulk 1815-1880 

Thomas Irving Mayfield 1835-1861 Private Company K 2nd Regiment Louisiana Infantry. Captured at The Battle of Wilderness May 12, 1861. Died as a POW Camp in Elmira, New York of Starvation.

185-William F Johnson 1816-1874 Private Company G 13th Regiment Mississippi Infantry

186-Fletcher Gibson 1839-1862 Private 6th Arkansas Cavalry Battalion, He died from wounds in Atlanta Hospital in 1862.

187-Elisha B Mayfield 1821-1862 Private 20th Regiment Alabama Infantry 

188-Nathaniel Gideon Stephens 1818-1879 

189-William R Mayfield 1834-1914 Private 46th Regiment Missouri Infantry

190-William Charles Mayfield Private Company C 80th Regiment Indiana Infantry

191-George Washington Mayfield YAHKEE  Private Company F 71st & 6th Regiment, Indiana Infantry

192-Luke Mayfield

193-George Washington Mayfield Jr 1841-1866 Private Company E, 4th Regiment, Missouri Infantry State Guard (1st Division) 

194-Anguis Morrison 1818-1870 Private Company A 7th Regiment Alabama Cavalry. Was with the Raid of Johnsonville, fighting with Hood on the push to Nashville. Surrendered at Gainesville, Alabama in May

195-Clayton Perry Stribling 1814-1897 Private Company B, 2nd Mississippi Infantry

196-William Beckham Stribling 1816-1863 Private Company B 40th Mississippi Infantry. KIA

197-Thomas Joseph Thadius Stribling 1827-1896 Captain

198-Josiah Crudup 1839-1861 Private Company G 2nd Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, Granville’s Greys, KIA

199-John F Cannady 1837-1896 Private Company G, 5th Regiment, North Carolina Cavalry, 63 State Troop. Fought at Brandy Station, Middleburg, Upperville, The Wilderness, Black’s and White’s, Hampton’s Cattle Raid, Five Forks, Surrendered at Appomattox.

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Visiting my Ancestors Place in South Carolina 4th GGF Thomas Richards 1755-1841

 Daphne & I got to spend a few days enjoying South Carolina. We went to the Oconee Station which is a State Park and Historical Marker. ...